When undertaking your employees Training Needs Analysis where does your focus lie?
The vast majority of demolition employers focus their time, attention and training budget on operatives, site supervisors and managers, overlooking the employees who play an important, albeit different, role in their company.
Administration, secretarial and reception staff require training as well. Health and safety legislation applies in equal measures, it is as important and necessary inside the office as it is out on site. Manual Handling Training, First Aid, The Safe Use of VDU Equipment (to name just three) are all necessary and important training requirements for office based personnel.
Your office workers are generally your 'front line' staff. They deal with customers, clients and public enquiries and, from time to time they are often the first port of call for irate telephone callers to your company. How do you ensure that that they have the skills, knowledge and understanding to handle these issues competently, effectively and appropriately?
Research shows us that a trained staff have a high work moral, feel supported and valued and are far more likely to show loyalty and commitment to an employer. So, the next time you are considering your company training requirements, please don't overlook this group of employees.
C&D provide bespoke training packages for Office Personnel that cover a range of office training needs.
For further information, please contact john.woodward@demolishdismantle.co.uk
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